Production Team: Cheyne Mitchell, Liz Bennett, Megan Jolly, Darren Willmott, Finnley Willmott, Gina McKenzie, Megan Wilson-Carlson
Front of House Team: Kimberley Pease, Sammy Nicholson, Chloe Sward, Holly Gregg, Eliza White, Andy Goodwin
ONE DAY | 2004
PRODUCTION: Stuart Loone, Liz Bennett, Jane Johnson, Mel Knight, Fleur Evans, Anne Heath, D & J Loone
TECH: Darren Willmott, Kerz, Katie Hill, Annelies Crowe, Leigh Oswin, Jess Solloway, Chris Jackson
DOCO CREW: Stacey Eastoe, Joseph Pickett, Libby Richardson, David Whatever
1 Whisperings of Intuition by L’hibou Hornung | director: Angela Driver | actors: David Quinn, Warwick Dabner, Theresa O'Connor
2 A Well Worn Path by Emma Workman | director: Robert Lewis | actors: Anna Keeling, Brooke Newall, Geoff Dobson
3 Terrible Angels by Chris Rattray | director: Nicole Jobson | actors: Carrie McLean, Nicole Dobson, Jayson Morrison
4 Story of Slef by Jeremy Fee | director: Stuart Loone | actors: Kendan Lovell, Frith Loone, Nathan Berry
ONE DAY 2 | 2004
PRODUCTION: Stuart Loone, Jane Johnson, Caroline Greig, Mel Knight, Dom Vittori, Benjamin Payne, Luke Warn, Daniel Lizotte, Elisa Cosentino, Mazz Ryan, Anne Heath, Frith Loone
TECH: Darren Willmott, Kerz, Katie Hill, Annelies Crowe, Chris Jackson, Paul Williams
VISUAL ARTISTS: Jo Angelsey, Ralph Haertel, Dan Kershaw, Anonymous
5 Business is Business by Emily McMahon | director: Jane Binning | actors: Nicole Dobson, Kendan Lovell, Brooke Newall
6 Anxious but not Alarmed by Scott McAteer | director: Jayson Morrison | actors: David Quinn, Nicole Jobson, Anna Keeling
7 Pages by Will Wilson | director: Emma Workman | actors: Nathan Berry, Geoff Dobson, Belinda Stephens
8 Seth Wants A Toy by Chris Rattray | director: Angela Driver | actors: Jeremy Fee, Theresa O'Connor, Matt Pike
ONE DAY 3 | 2005
PRODUCTION: Stuart Loone, Stan Gottschalk, Liz Bennett, Nathan Wheldon, Heidi Smith, Emma Macintosh, Jess Solloway, D & J Loone
TECH: Darren Willmott, Andy McMahon, Carmen Foon, Laura Bishop, Benjamin Payne, Isaac Newland, Lea Turner, Pete McGrandle, Tony Carew, Ashlee Jenkins, Madeline Southey, Julia Smith
9 The Good Lady Sheryl by Leigh Dillon | director: Chris Rattray | actors: Brooke Newall, Jayson Morrison
10 Hide and Seek by Geoff Dobson | director: Megan Bennell | actors: Travis Hennessy, Jane Johnson
11 The Big Things by Emma Workman | director: Rebecca Miller | actor: Kendan Lovell
12 The Dawn’s Light by Scott McAteer | director: Frith Loone | actors: Anne Grainger, Nick Stacpoole
13 Inspired by Leigh Oswin | director: Angela Driver | actors: Fran Porter, David Quinn, Johnny Hendriks
14 A Fear of Pervasion by Daniel Flood | director: Nicole Jobson | actors: Belinda Stephens, Fleur Evans, Sophie Hope
15 The Marinade of Life by Emma Workman | director: Rebecca Miller | actor: Robert Lewis
ONE DAY 4 | 2006
PRODUCTION: Stuart Loone, Jane Johnson, Liz Bennett, Debbie Parish, Stephanie Briarwood, Nicole Jobson, Emilee Rigby, Roshan Dhingra
TECH: Alyd Taylor, Carmen Foon, Jess Brownrigg, Chris Jackson, Susannah Daly
16 Could You Pass Me My Ginger Beer, Please? by Daniel Lizotte | director: Fleur Evans | actors: Katie Hill, Danielle Vos
17 Waiting for the Metaphor by Daniel Flood | director: Megan Bennell | actors: Leigh Oswin, Anne Grainger, Rhys Martin
18 Danger No# 31 by Carrie McLean | director: Nicole Lewis | actors: Andrew Charman-Williams, Travis Hennessy, Luke Warn, Georgie Todman
19 Filling the Gaps by Liz Dobell | director: Annelies Crowe | actors: Chris Rattray, Belinda Stephens
20 ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas by Geoff Dobson | director: David Quinn | actors: Cheyne Mitchell, Libby Dobson, Clare Leonard
ONE DAY 5 | 2007
PRODUCTION: Stuart Loone, Anne Grainger, Jane Johnson, Roshan Dhingra
TECH: Alyd Taylor, Jess Brownrigg, Jane Bowles, Laura Bishop, Darren Willmott
21 Home Sweet Home by Emily McMahon | director: Liz Bennett | actors: Clare Leonard, Georgie Todman, Luke Warn
22 Orbiter, Lander by Robert Lewis | director: Travis Hennessy | actors: Carrie McLean, Annelies Crowe, Leigh Oswin
23 Beyond the Line by Liz Dobell | director: Nicole Lewis | actors: Geoff Dobson, Dan Lizotte, Madeline Southey
24 The Storyteller by Scott McAteer | director: Fleur Evans | actors: Megan Bennell, David Quinn, Cheyne Mitchell
ONE DAY 6 | 2008
PRODUCTION: Darren Willmott, Stephanie Briarwood, Jane Johnson, Liz Bennett, Matt Taylor, Mary Willmott
TECH: Darren Willmott, Anne Grainger, Jane Bowles, Morwenna Schenck
HUMAN FURNITURE: Frank Kerr, Joss Thomas, Mick Lowenstein
25 Whoops! by Chris Jackson | director: Peter Hammond | actors: Mick Lowenstein, Laura Bishop, Stuart Loone
26 Coffin Text by Chris Rattray | director: David Quinn | actors: Sophie Hope, Leigh Oswin, Alyd Taylor
27 The Fools of Fire by Carrie McLean | director: Angela Miller | actors: Kai Raisbeck, Nicole Jobson, Jess Brownrigg, Travis Hennessy
28 Undercurrent by Robert Lewis | director: Paige Rattray | actors: Emma Hardy, Clare Leonard
ONE DAY 7 | 2010
PRODUCTION: Rachael Williams, Stuart Loone, Jane Johnson, Troy Ridgway, Carrie McLean
TECH: Darren Willmott, Rebecca Howard, Sam Parry, Sally Plowright, Jake Pike
STAR TEAM: Chris Jackson, Jane Johnson, Travis Hennessy, Jess Wools-Cobb
29 Factory Days by Bec Nilsson | director: Liz Bennett | actors: Chelsea Arnold, Michael Fazackerely
30 Hoppy Young by Robert Lewis | director: Clare Leonard | actors: Frank Kerr, Tia Landeg, Kendan Lovell, Julius Godman
31 Waiting for Go… by Alyd Taylor | director: Rachael Williams | actors: Colin Keogh, Debbie Parish
32 Tea and Scones (The Futility) by Kenneth Nixon | director: Laura Bishop | actors: Tash Grossmith, Anoushka Hughes, David Marshall
33 The Official Fiction by Tash McCulloch | director: Sophie Wray-McCann | actors: Megan Jolly, Cheyne Mitchell, Katie Hill
ONE DAY 8 | 2011
PRODUCTION: Stuart Loone, Rebecca Howard, Sally Plowright, Jane Johnson, Troy Ridgway, Matt Taylor
TECH: Darren Willmott, Michael Booth, Brad Good
34 Where? Am I? by Alyd Taylor | director: David Quinn | actors: Travis Hennessy, Ray Sangston
35 The Lamp Man by Geoff Dobson | director: Jonathan Pedler | actors: Nicole Dobson, Kendan Lovell
36 Mind the Gap by Carrie McLean | director: Michael Edgar | actors: Ross Marsden, Rachael Williams
37 Throw Me Tomorrow by Megan Bennell | director: Nicole Lewis | actors: Kerri Gay, Bonnie Harris
38 Mere Oblivion by Chris Rattray | director: Peter Hammond | actors: Kellie Constable, Mark Horner
39 Work of Mercy by Robert Lewis | director: Liz Bennett | actors: Betty Hall, Megan Jolly
40 The Answer to Both Your Questions by Tash McCulloch | director: Nicola Pett | actors: Cheyne Mitchell, Joel de la Motte
ONE DAY 9 | 2012
PRODUCTION: Stuart Loone, Cat Studley, Lauren Schwabe, Georgia Heiniger, Grace Roberts, Amanda Phillips, Brad Hill
TECH: Darren Willmott, Rebecca Howard, Ricky Chamberlain
MUSICIANS: Travis Hennessy, Bonnie Harris
41 Rory’s Light by Alyd Taylor | director: Beth Geoghegan | actors: Joel de la Motte, Kerri Gay
42 Requirements by Emma Workman Bolt | director: Stan Gottschalk | actors: Jimmy Harrison, Daniel Brasher
43 In Your Wake by Geoff Dobson | director: Danny Gibson | actors: Carrie McLean, Jeremy Ball
44 Dust by Megan Bennell | director: Megan Jolly | actors: Debbie Parish, Nicole Dobson
45 Free Fall by Chris Jackson | director: Laura Bishop | actors: Justin Groves, Jonathan Pedler, Cheyne Mitchell
46 The Tub of Extraordinariness by Cayden Richards | director: Liz Bennett | actors: Tia Landeg, Sally Plowright, Kellie Constable
PRODUCTION: Darren Willmott, Liz Bennett
TECH: Chris Jackson, Lucy Pullen, Rhys Pitstock, Maddie Leslie, Freya Allen, Hamish White
MC: Marcus Bower
?? Red Velvet by Briony Kidd | director: Jonathan Pedler | actors: Tia Landeg, Grace Roberts
?? The Rosalie-Anne by Robert Lewis | director: Gerogie Todman | actors: Mitchell Langley, Leigh Oswin, Fran Suitor, Matt Taylor
?? Side-Shows by Megan Bennell | director: Megan Jolly | actors: Caitlin McCarthy, Alyd Taylor
?? Echoes by Scott McAteer | director: Peter Hammond | actors: Cheyne Mitchell, Michael Mason, Debbie Parish
ONE DAY 17 | 2020
PRODUCTION: Cheyne Mitchell (AD), Liz Bennett, Megan Jolly, Darren Willmott, Alistair Bugg, Gina McKenzie, Kimberley Pease (GM)
Guardians by Anne Grainger | director: Bindy Stephens | actors: Georgia Heiniger,Leigh Oswin, Alyd Taylor
Fringe on the Fringe by Jimmy Harrison | director: Peter Hammond | actors: Fiontan Cassidy, Lauchy Hansen, Zoe Vandervelde
Woke by Lyndon Riggal | director: Stan Gottschalk | actors: Mitchell Langley, Katie Hill, Gabe Adkins, Twin Sticks (Anna Barber & Lauren Neal)
Coming Home by Cameron Hindrum | director: Georgie Todman | actors: Harrison Collis Oates, Charlotte Edwards, Travis Hennessy, Luca Schild
ONE DAY 18 | 2021
PRODUCTION: Cheyne Mitchell (AD), Liz Bennett, Megan Jolly, Darren Willmott, Finnley Willmott, Gina McKenzie, Megan Wilson-Carlson
FRONT OF HOUSE: Kimberley Pease (GM), Sammy Nicholson, Chloe Sward, Holly Gregg, Eliza White, Andy Goodwin
Writer Megan Bennell
Director Caitlin McCarthy
*Conversations 1, 2 and 3 Alyd Taylor
Conversations 1, 3 and 4 Travis Hennessy
Conversations 2 and 4 Jess Magee
*1 – Toasters and complaints, 2 – ‘friends’, 3 – Travel, 4 – Jelly Beans
Book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K Rowling
Writer Jessica Montrose
Director Kelly Wilson
Captain Ben Vigers
Harry Lauchy Hansen
Jax Troy Ridgway
Book Tomorrow When the War Began, John Marsden
Writer Bec Howard
Director Zoë Vandervelde
Elisha Angie Collins
Vanessa Jane Forrest
Katie, Robbo, Jonno, Tiarna Indea Quinn
Book Boy Swallows Universe, Trent Dalton
Writer Cameron Hindrum
Director Matt Taylor
Pete Oliver Johns
Mitch Leigh Oswin
Rosie Olivia Brodzinski
Book The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins
Writer Robert Lewis
Director Danny Gibson
Tim Matt Harris
Nat Chelsea Dean
Lucy Ruby Howard
Book Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
TITLE The Press
Writer Lyndon Riggall
Director Georgie Todman
Alexander Carver Mitchell Langley
Christian Hawthorne Harrison Collis Oates
Roger Hackett Chris Bryg
Book Honeybee, Craig Silvey
ONE DAY 19 | 2022
PRODUCTION: Cheyne Mitchell (AD), Liz Bennett, Megan Jolly, Darren Willmott, Finnley Willmott, Gina McKenzie, Jane Johnson, Indea Quinn, Stuart Loone, Jonathon Harback, Lauchy Hansen
FRONT OF HOUSE: Corey Ackerly (GM), Kimberley Pease ,
TITLE Summer of the Nineteenth Doll
Writer Cameron Hindrum
Director Bindy Stephens
Performers Gabe Adkins, Rae Smith, Harrison Collis Oates, Matt Harriss, Cooper Goodall.
Prop: Barbie doll collection
Bag: Briefcase
Quote: "Smart girl 101: Never let a stranger follow you to your hotel room." Lindsay Chamberlin, Alyeska
TITLE Cookies
Writer Emma Skalicky
Director Jane Woollard
Performers Kerri Gay, Amanda Dawes, Ryan Politis, Luca Schild.
Prop: Christmas Tree
Bag: Large black suitcase
Quote: "No opium-smoking in the elevator" sign in New York City's Hotel Rand, 1907.
TITLE Ghost Trappers
Writer Robert Lewis
Director Amelia Pond
Performers Katie Hill, Chelsea Dean, Leigh Oswin.
Prop: Parrot puppet
Bag: Canvas backpack
Quote: “I didn't want to kiss you goodbye — that was the trouble — I wanted to kiss you good night — and there's a lot of difference.” Ernest Hemingway, Letter to Hash Richardson, 23 December 1920
TITLE The Spit
Writer Rosemary Cann
Director Anne Riley
Performers Delia Breen, Troy Ridgway, Peter McAllum.
Prop: Stopwatch
Bag: Large Backpack
Quote: “Find us a hotel. Something NOT HAUNTED. Can't emphasise this enough.” J.L. Bryan, Fire Devil
TITLE Acts of Almost Leaving
Writer Megan Bennell
Director Amanda Phillips
Performers Rob Braslin, Jonathan Pedler, Joh Breen, Indea Quinn
Prop: "Woman who runs with the Wolves"
Bag: Leather travelling bag
Quote: “I knew it. I knew it. Born in a hotel room - and God damn it - died in a hotel room.” Eugene O'Neill
TITLE Press play and the Same Time.
Writer Carrie McLean
Director Matt Taylor
Performers Coline James, Ashley Eyles, Angie Collins, Jane Forrest
Prop: Tape Recorder
Bag: Red handbag
Quote: “The phone rang. Softly, in actuality, yet it seemed loud and ominous, as phones do at night in dark hotel rooms". Jim Thompson, The Nothing Man
Writer Alyd Taylor
Director Jimmy Harrison
Performers Travis Hennessy, Jessie Apted, Joel Kin, Tash McCulloch
Prop: Old return-to-sender letters
Bag: Hatbox
Quote: " I am outraged ....absolutely outraged.... by what I have just read! The instant... and I mean the instant... I read your review I launched a roots and shoots inquiry regarding the circs you have described! It appears something fishy has taken place and I want answers... as I am sure you do. I spoke to housekeeping and they swear blind that on the 17th (24hrs prior to your arrival) they cleaned the room as normal and found nothing untoward... they are also 100% confident that the day after your scheduled check-out everything appeared to be normal! Hmmmm...Mysterious!! To corroborate their testimony I conducted a full inspection of room 4 and found everything as it should be. The bed was in its place, the TV, kettle and corner cabinet were all as we had left them... and most importantly...the en-suite bathroom was exactly where we had left it the day before! So it appears that at an unspecified time on the 17th the bathroom vanished and then reappeared 24 hours later! I asked some of our regular customers whether, on the day in question, they saw a bathroom leave the building. None of them could remember witnessing such an event!” Alex Scrivenor, Owner of Crags Hotel, responding to a review on Tripadvisor, 16 October